Journal of Energy, Material, and Instrumentation Technology <div> <div> <table class="data" width="100%" cellpadding="1" bgcolor="#F4A460"> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Journal Name</td> <td width="80%"><strong><a href="">Journal of Energy, Material, and Instrumentation Technology</a> </strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Initial</td> <td width="80%"><a href=""><strong>JEMIT</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Frequency</td> <td width="80%"><strong>4 Issues a year (February, May, August, November)<br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">DOI</td> <td width="80%"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>10.23960/jemit</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">ISSN</td> <td width="80%"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>2747-2043</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">E-ISSN</td> <td width="80%"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2747-299X</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Editor-in-Chief</td> <td width="80%"><a href=""><strong>Gurum Ahmad Pauzi, S.Si., M.T.</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Publisher</td> <td width="80%"><strong><a title="Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, University of Lampung" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science</a>, <a title="University of Lampung" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">University of Lampung</a> </strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div> <table class="data" width="100%" cellpadding="1" bgcolor="#F4A460"> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Indexed</td> <td width="80%"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Sinta</strong></a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Garuda</strong></a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <p><strong>Journal of Energy, Material, and Instrumentation Technology </strong>as a means for researchers, lecturers, teachers, researching, and students to communicate knowledge, research results and observations, related to physics, both theory and its application. Articles can also consist of supporting physics which is supported by a background and theoretical physics that can be accounted for. Overall articles published in <strong>Journal of Enery, Material, and Instrumentation Technology </strong> have been review by reviewers and experts in their fields. Manuscripts received by <strong>Journal of Enery, Material, and Instrumentation Technology </strong> are written in Indonesia or English, which have never been published, or are not currently being discussed for publication in other journals or proceedings.<br /><br />This journal publishes 5 to 7 articles for each issues four times a year in <strong>February, May, August, </strong>and <strong>November</strong>. Should you interest, we recommend you to read our policy as well as author guidelines.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Announcement</strong></p> <p>In connection with improving the quality and accreditation of journals, as well as facilitating citations nationally and internationally, as of February 22, 2021, articles must be written in English.</p> <p>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p><strong>INDEXED BY:</strong></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" /></a> <a href=";user=FOqZwZsAAAAJ" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="150" height="60" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="150" height="60" /></a></p> <p><a href=";and_facet_source_title=jour.1406805" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="150" height="60" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="150" height="60" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="150" height="60" /></a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="150" height="60" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="150" height="60" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="150" height="60" /></a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="150" height="60" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="150" height="60" /></a> <a href="[]=repoId:IOS16538" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="150" height="60" /></a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="150" height="60" /></a> <a href=";name=&amp;oaboost=1&amp;newsearch=1&amp;refid=dcbasen" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="150" height="60" /></a></p> <p><strong>ON PROCESS:</strong></p> <p><img src="" width="150" height="60" /> <img src="" width="150" height="60" /></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>RECOMMENDED TOOLS</strong></p> <p><a href=";user=FOqZwZsAAAAJ" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="150" height="60" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="150" height="60" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="150" height="60" /></a> <a href=";ai=DChcSEwi-6q71jeX1AhVwkWYCHbseCvMYABAAGgJzbQ&amp;sig=AOD64_1-mdHfFgT1PR7bh2yOa407pjvmYA&amp;q&amp;adurl&amp;ved=2ahUKEwi8xqj1jeX1AhU27HMBHQruB8EQ0Qx6BAgDEAE" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="150" height="60" /></a></p> en-US (Journal of Energy, Material, and Instrumentation Technology) (Donni Kis Apriyanto) Sat, 30 Nov 2024 10:55:14 +0000 OJS 60 Design and Load Analysis of an Orbital Shaker using a Keypad as Input Based on Arduino Uno <p>This study aims to develop an orbital shaker device with an Arduino Uno-based input system for rpm and time, utilizing a keypad as the input medium. The orbital shaker is designed to homogenize chemical solutions through circular motion, featuring display functions for rpm and mixing time. The device uses a NEMA 17 stepper motor as the main motor, a 4x4 membrane keypad for input, an Arduino Uno as the processor, and a TM1637 display for rpm and time readings. Testing of the orbital shaker includes calibration of rpm and time. Rpm calibration is performed using a laser tachometer to measure the conformity of the inputted rpm values, while time calibration uses a stopwatch to determine system error values. The rpm calibration results indicate an average error rate of 0.36%, with an accuracy of 99.62% and precision of 99.58%. In comparison, time calibration results show an average error rate of 0.15%, with an accuracy of 99.84% and precision of 99.88%. Further rpm measurements were conducted with solution loads ranging from 100 to 1000 g, increasing in increments of 100 g, and rpm testing was performed from 100 to 500 rpm. The test results demonstrate that the optimal performance of the designed orbital shaker occurs at rpm values between 100 and 450 with a load range of 100–600 g.</p> Gurum Ahmad Pauzi, Elsyana Septiani, Sri Wahyu Suciati, Amir Supriyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Effect of Acid Hydrolysis on Preparation of Nanocellulose from Swietenia mahagoni <p><em>The extraction of the mahogany pulp as the main ingredient for the preparation of nanocellulose was carried out using the acid hydrolysis method. Sulfuric acid (H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>) is used to hydrolyze the primary constituent and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is ultilized in the delignification process. The purpose of this study is to identify the properties of nanocellulose made from mahogany hardwood on fluctuations in H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4 </sub>concentrations, particularly on concentration 19, 29, 39, and 45%. A Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) spectrophotometer, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) are used to analyze the sample product, which is cellulose nanocrystal powder. The XRD results stated that the diameter of the nanocellulose crystal size ranged from 3-6 nm, while the SEM results showed that the sample's morphology resembled a stacked arrangement of stones. Meanwhile, the results of the FTIR indicated that the functional groups produced consisted of hydroxyl, aliphatic, aromatic rings, aryl carbonyls, and pyranose. Based on the tests, the best sample is obtained as a concentration variation of H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> 39%, which produces a diameter of 3.6 nm with a crystallinity index as high as 80.48%.</em></p> Rysa Sonya Reni Paulin Gultom, Posman Manurung, Pulung Karo Karo, Sri Wahyu Suciyati Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Extraction of Nanocellulose from Bagasse Using Acid Hydrolysis Method <p><em>The acid hydrolysis method was used to extract nanocellulose from bagasse. This study aims to prepare nanocellulose from sugarcane bagasse by acid hydrolysis method and to know the results of characterization with X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR). In this study, 4 samples were made with variations of H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> of 19, 29, 39 and 45%. XRD analysis shows that with the increase of sulfuric acid, the percentage of each sample increases, but in the 39% sample, there is a decrease in purity because there are still areas of cellulose that have yet to disappear. The phase identification results show that in the sample with 19, 29, and 39% addition, H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> I&amp;alpha;, I&amp;beta;, and thenardite phases were formed. In the sample, 45% only form I&amp;alpha; and I&amp;beta; phases with a resulting particle size of 2.83 nm and a degree of crystallinity of 55.52%. The results of the SEM test analysis show that the image pattern has stone structures that overlap each other. The results of FTIR analysis show that the functional groups detected are O – H, C – H, C &amp;equiv; C, C = C, H – C – H, C – O, and C – O – C, which indicates the presence of nanocellulose.</em></p> Rethanita Zaharani, Posman Manurung, Iqbal Firdaus, Dwi Asmi, Ahmad Faruq Abdurrahman Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Synthesis and Characterization of Activated Carbon from Pattikala Fruit Waste (<i>Etlingera elatior</i>) <p>Activated carbon (AC) is an amorphous material with a suitable size pores distribution, high specific surface area, and high surface reactivity. Activated carbon can be produced from biomaterials and can be used as a water filter material, an absorbent for hazardous substances, and as electrodes in supercapacitors. Etlingera elatior or Pattikala fruit waste has lignocellulose content that can potentially be activated carbon material. This study aimed to synthesize Etlingera elatior or Pattikala fruit waste by chemical activation method into activated carbon. Based on the study's results, activated carbon from Pattikala fruit waste has a high purity level of 87.80%, and SEM results show that pores have begun to form in the activated carbon samples produced. This study demonstrates that activated carbon can be produced from Etlingera elatior fruit waste.</p> Hilda Rahmawati, Nurmalasari Ismail, Nur Asriyani, Risma Jufri Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect of Chitosan Addition on Phase Composition and Detection Sensitivity of Fe3O4/Chitosan Magnetic Label Nanoparticles Based on Giant Magnetoresistance Sensor <p>This study describes how phase composition affects the ability of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) chip-based sensors to detect magnetic labels made of Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> and Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>/chitosan that were synthesized using the co-precipitation method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed that the synthesized nanoparticles were a mixture of magnetite and maghemite phases. The most intense diffraction peak at 2&amp;theta; = 35.6° (311) confirmed the presence of the magnetite phase. The addition of chitosan significantly increased the proportion of the maghemite phase from 10% to 25%, with the appearance of an additional peak at 2&amp;theta; = 33° (221). The modification of Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> nanoparticles into Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>/chitosan nanocomposites resulted in changes in sensor sensitivity. The GMR sensor successfully detected Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> and Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>/chitosan magnetic labels within 30 seconds with high sensitivities of 0.746 and 0.761 mV/( g/mL), respectively. The limit of detection (LOD) was also very low at 0.419 and 0.428 g/mL. These findings show that Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>/chitosan nanocomposites integrated GMR chip-based sensors can be a dependable instrument for detecting a variety of biomolecules such as Bovine serum albumin (BSA).</p> Galih Aji Prayoga, Yuvita Oktarisa, Ganesha Antarnusa, Nur Shabrina Fitriani, Refi Meilia Aryani, Andri Suherman, Yudi Guntara Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000